Best Custom Home Features for Summer on LBI

By Stonehenge Building and Development | June 7, 2022 |
Best custom home features

Building a house on LBI may seem like a large undertaking, but thanks to Stonehenge Building & Development’s thirty years of experience in building custom homes on Long Beach Island, our homeowners can draw on our experience, industry knowledge, and community relationships so they can focus on the details that truly matter. From design preference…

Things to Do On LBI this Summer

By Stonehenge Building and Development | May 31, 2022 |
things to do on lbi

Memorial Day weekend has come and gone, and that’s a big deal for all of us here on Long Beach Island. Not only is it the beginning of summer at the Jersey shore, but it may also be your first summer in your LBI custom home or the summer you decide building a house on…

Be In Your LBI New Construction by Summer 2023!

By Stonehenge Building and Development | April 19, 2022 |
LBI new construction

Long Beach Island: miles of pristine New Jersey coastline, surf and sand, unique shore towns. You may already be familiar with all the best LBI has to offer but imagine being able to live there in your very own dream house. As builders on LBI for more than two decades and longtime residents in the…

Custom Homes on LBI Are in Full Bloom!

By Stephanie Shaffery | March 23, 2022 |
Custom Homes on LBI Are in Full Bloom

Every year, we break down the current trends and how to incorporate them into your custom home on LBI. With spring just around the corner, we’d like to talk about “bringing the outside in” and what it could mean for your custom home. From organic textiles and materials to versatile plants, there’s so many ways…

5 Ways to Turn Your Custom Home on LBI Into Your Castle on LBI

By Stonehenge Building and Development | February 25, 2022 |

For more than two decades, our team at Stonehenge Building & Development has been making our homebuyers custom home dreams come true. Building a house on LBI may already be a dream come true for many of our clients, but we believe in attention to detail and extra touches that turn your custom home on…

An LBI Custom Builder’s Favorite Outdoor Features

By Stonehenge Building and Development | February 10, 2022 |
LBI new construction

As a new home builder on LBI for nearly three decades, Stonehenge Building & Development strives to give our homeowners the best of Long Beach Island living in their custom homes. From stunning interior design to the little touches that make a custom house a home, we have to say that outdoor spaces are some…

Coming Down the Chimney: Fireplaces for Custom Homes on LBI

By Stonehenge Building and Development | December 23, 2021 |
builder long beach island

Even though the weather outside has been pretty mild so far, we know winters in New Jersey can be unpredictable. There’s no cozier way to beat the winter blues than with the addition of a fireplace to your LBI new construction! As a builder on Long Beach Island for many years, Stonehenge Building & Development…

New Trends for a New Year of Custom Homes on LBI

By Stonehenge Building and Development | December 16, 2021 |
New Trends for a New Year of Custom Homes on LBI

With the new year just around the corner, we’d like to round up some of the new design trends we expect to see as an LBI custom builder. Building a house on LBI is a truly unique experience for each of our homebuyers, and at Stonehenge Building & Development, we take pride in each custom…

A Season of Thanks: What a Custom Home Builder on LBI Is Grateful For

By Stonehenge Building and Development | November 22, 2021 |
custom builder lbi

Thanksgiving is a season in which we take the time to reflect on our lives, the people we love, and the things that we sometimes take for granted, but are thankful for nonetheless. As a company, we wanted to do the same thing. In this season of thanks, we wanted to share what a custom…

Winterize Your Custom Home on LBI With These Top 3 Tips

By Stonehenge Building and Development | November 10, 2021 |
custom home on LBI

Many of the custom homes we build on Long Beach Island are seasonal homes, so when the weather turns cold, many of our homeowners head south to wait out the winter months before returning to their LBI new construction for the summer. Before heading out for the season though, homeowners should winterize their custom home…