Rumors & Reputations on Long Beach Island

As an LBI builder for over thirty years, our team has built a relationship with each of our clients, contractors, and communities. These relationships have been an important part of how we have become one of the best custom builders on LBI. With this in mind, we’d like to thank not only our team for…

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Spend the Summer in Paradise by Building a House on LBI

It’s the age-old story: the summer is drawing to a close and we’re all wishing we could stop time and savor the sun and sand a little longer. But what if this feeling didn’t have to end? What if summer memories could be made year-round, and turn into fireside stargazing or cozy winter mornings overlooking…

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Building A House on LBI So the BBQs Never Have to End

Gourmet outdoor kitchen at a custom built home on Long Beach Island

With 4th of July weekend and all its celebrations behind us, it has our team at Stonehenge thinking about the next great barbecue. As a builder on LBI for nearly three decades, we know that just because summer is half over doesn’t mean the BBQs have to stop. We’ve rounded up our favorite custom home…

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New Home Tech for Custom Homes on LBI

winterizing home on LBI

There is always something new and exciting in technology, and with a growing market and demand for techy homes, there is a constant stream of new gadgets. The concept of the “Smart House” isn’t new. For years science fiction explored new and futuristic innovations, and this gradually grew into popular culture. And though we may…

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