Best Custom Builder on LBI

Stonehenge Building & Development is the best custom builder on LBI

Our blog gives buyers inspiration for building a custom home on LBI

new home design trends 2016

What’s Trending for New Home Designs in 2016

If you are thinking of building a new custom home and want to know what the latest trends for design and function are this year, look no further!  2016 is proving to be a tremendous year for custom home design trends. From kitchens to baths, and everything in between we know what’s trending for new…

new home construction LBI

What’s Between the Walls of your New Custom Home on Long Beach Island

When you look at the inside of a newly built custom home everything looks so pristine, new, and beautiful. If you like the scent of a new car, it doesn’t even compare to new home smell! The sheetrock is freshly painted, the moldings are nice and straight, the cabinets and fixtures are all perfectly installed.…

Winterize your custom home on LBI

Now that the Cold Is Here Stonehenge Has Three Good Reasons to Winterize Your Home on LBI

With many of the custom homes on Long Beach Island that we build, when the season is over and the weather turns cold, it’s time for homeowners to batten up the hatches and head south. So how does a homeowner “batten up the hatches” to ensure that the home is properly closed for the colder…

custom home on lbi

A Custom Homebuyer’s Guide To Molding

One of the things we hear most often from homebuyers is that new homes built today don’t have the character of older homes because new homes don’t come with molding. We don’t know what builders these buyers are talking to, but every home built by Stonehenge comes with crown molding (except in the secondary bedrooms)…

custom builder lbi

The Importance of the Punch-Out Process in a New Custom Home

Many custom builders offer their homebuyers the opportunity for “walk-through” meetings during the construction process. One of the most important of those meetings is the pre-closing walk-through, which can take from 1-3 hours, and provides the buyer an opportunity to ensure their home is in perfect condition prior to closing. Before this important walk-through your…

landscaping tips for custom homes on lbi

Exterior Lighting for Custom Homes on LBI

We spend so much time designing homes, selecting finishes, and making the interior beautiful that we sometimes miss a great opportunity for the outside of the home: exterior lighting. Everyone knows that there should be lighting at the front door and exterior weatherproof outlets, but it deserves a bit more love when it comes to…

new custom home on Long Beach Island

What Are Batter Boards and Why Are They Used?

Batter Boards are an integral part of the foundation when building a new custom home. The boards are set horizontally to support strings that outline the foundation plan of the building. Whether the home is being set on pilings, or a concrete foundation, batter boards are what makes the walls square. If the batter boards…

building a home on long beach island

You’re Only As Good As Your Last Custom Home on LBI

Long Beach Island is approximately 18 miles long, including three miles of nature reserve located at the southern tip. Needless to say, it’s a small world on the island, especially when it comes to building custom homes. As one of the premier custom home builders on Long Beach Island, we know that each and every…

Custom home long beach island

Why A Site Manager Is Critical to the Completion of Your New Custom Home

Oftentimes we are asked by potential homebuyers, “What makes your company different, or special?” This is a great question that any homebuyer should ask the builder they are considering contracting to builder their new custom home. One of the best answers we can give is, “Our team!” It’s important to know who the people are…

custom home builder LBI

Proper Grading Plan is a Must for New Custom Homes on Long Beach Island

As a custom homebuilder specializing in Long Beach Island, we work with our engineers to ensure all of our homes have proper grading and drainage. This is especially important for homes within flood zones, where runoff water from storms can be more of a risk. Not only is it important to protect your home, it’s…

reverse living home design lbi

Why We Build Reverse Living Custom Home Designs on LBI

Building a new custom home on Long Beach Island is like a dream come true for many of the families we build homes for. The lifestyle on the island is a huge draw, not only for seasonal residents, but year-round homeowners as well. Whether you are planning for a second home, or to stay on…

Walk in master bath shower

Spectacular Master Baths for Custom Homes on Long Beach Island

So, you’re building a new custom home and you want your master bathroom to be spectacular! Today’s bath design innovations and materials can make your master bathroom the oasis you crave for relaxation and serenity. They can also be surprisingly functional as well for today’s modern couples. There are many products that have become popular…

green building products

Earth Day Edition: The Best Environmentally Friendly Building Products and Materials for Custom Homes

In recognition of Earth Day we thought it would be great to talk about some of the products and materials we use in every home we build that are considered eco-friendly or “green”. The building industry has come a long way in offering homebuyers a variety of materials, styles, and options to choose from for…

Custom Bathroom with Double Vanity and Rainhead ShowerheadResized

Spectacular Bathroom Features for Custom Homes

Your home is your castle, so why not make your bathroom a luxurious retreat? When building a custom home, you have many options at your fingertips that allow you to create the home of your dreams. Don’t settle for the average run of the mill bathroom. Today, a bathroom is not just a necessity, it…

custom concrete sink and counter custom home long beach island

The Best Countertop Choices for Custom Homes on Long Beach Island

Deciding on the interior finishes for your custom home can be one of the most challenging tasks to building a new custom home. Fortunately, many builders provide help in this department, with on-staff design coordinators, and rooms full of samples to help you decide on everything for your new home. We all know how important…